A hordeolum, also known as “stye”, is an infection of the oil gland located at the eyelid margin. It looks like a pimple or a lump filled with pus on the eyelid margin.Stye or hordeolum is caused by a bacterial staphylococcus infection

The most common symptoms associated with stye or hordeolum are:

Eyelid Swelling


Pain or tenderness of the eyelid

Foregin Body sensation


Crusting of the eyelid margin

Common causes if stye/hordeolum are

Contact lens wear

Poor hygiene

Inflammation or infection of the eyelids.

Old or contaminated eye makeup

Systemic conditions such as rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, or diabetes

Screen Time

When we use digital screens like computers, smartphones, tablets and others, we tend to stare at these screens which is known to reduce the frequency at which we blink and also cause incomplete blinks. This reduction in frequency of blinks and incomplete blinks leads to disruptions of the tear film layer, increased tear evaporation and higher risk of dry eyes.

Contect Lens Use

Dry eyes causing discomfort with the use of contact lens is a common factor leading to contact lens drop-outs among its users. Though advancement in contact lens materials, disinfecting regimes and different wearing modalities are known to minimise these symptoms, contact lens can cause dry eye symptoms.

Eye Surgery

Eye surgeries like cataract, LASIK, PRK, and other corneal refractive surgeries can cause dry eye symptoms. Though majority of the time these symptoms are temporary and resolve with time.


In many cases, routine use of artificial tears and minor behavioral modifications
like taking frequent breaks and conscious blinking during digital use and temperature control to avoid
nvironmental impact on dryness, can significantly reduce dry eye symptoms

Options Include

Artificial tears

Conscious blinking

Eye drops

In office procedures

Behavioral modifications

Environment control

Prescription medications

In some chronic or more severe cases, your eye care provider might recommend some over the counter lubricating eye drops,  prescription medications and in-office procedures to help your body create and secrete more tears and to decrease eye irritation and inflammation.


Request a same day visit with a

dry eye specialist.